Hiking trails
The whisper of the Balkan mountains
Silence. The wind is gently blowing. Only the song of birds and the whispers of the leaves violate the peace. You are now in the central
part at the foot of The Balkan Mountains in the territory of "Balgarka" - one of the youngest and most beautiful parks. It is a home of
230 plant species, 31 of which are listed in the Red Book of Bulgaria. Don’t be surprised to see a doe peeking among the trees or a
squirrel running up its treehouse.
You walk up the mountain, and the view grabs you and makes you dope of the greatness of nature. It’s a pleasant climate, but just in case, you’d better have in mind this piece of wisdom: "With a cloak in the summer, with a purse in the winter“. That is how they walk in the mountain.
Here, the northern slopes are covered with deciduous forests rug. The tops of the Balkan mountains caress the eye with their wooded slopes and rounded gentle ridges. Heading up and down you will probably get to the caves. Zmeeva dupka or Komincheto... my advice is not to take any risky visits in, if you want to keep good health and memories of your stay in our town. You can cuddle in the warm embrace of "Baba" (grandma) and "Dyado" (grandpa) rocks. To marvel what is so mossy about the Mossy rocks or shout lungs to understand why it’s called Vikana skala (the rock cried out).
By strictly following the instructions and the good marking, your path will take you to Bazovets and Krastets peaks. You will certainly feel the mountains in your very feet there, and your eyes will enjoy a magnificent view. A will is all you need to have a barbecue with friends, well, not all, but meet indeed. Well-constructed shelters will keep you from the rain. "Faith, Hope and Love" chapel (Bazovets peak) and "Sv. Ivan Rilski" chapel (Krastets peak) are situated here. Find some time for them too and I assure you that you will feel purified.