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Attractions, offered by the Specialized Museum of Woodcarving and Icon Painting

Slaveykov’s house - The Love Chest

Bunch of flowers smelling in the room,
left by you ...

You can also write a beautiful massage to the person dearest to your heart and leave it the Love Chest in Slaveykov’s house. Something whispered by your heart, that you can surprise your loved one with within one year.

Come to Slaveykov’s house and the guide here will show you what you need to do. Just have in mind that you must have come of age.

Daskalov’s House - Sun puzzle and painting on ivy leaves

Once you decide to bet which of the two suns in The Daskalov’s house is better, fast and skilful is what you need to be to make them two carved ceilings, of the journeyman and of the master, shine beneath your hands, after setting the Sun-shaped puzzle. July and May’s suns will shine through each of them. You can make it as a competition between friends in teams or just quietly sit and couple the rays of the sun. When you have the puzzle finished, take few brushes, paints and ivy leaves and get lost in the tradition, preserved by the time of the old masters of icon-painting. Once, in a competition with masters from Gabrovo, they drew the ivy leaves and sticked them in their wives’ hairs to look more beautiful than women of Gabrovo. It was just another proof of Tryavna people’s flair for beeauty and grace.

Angel Kanchev’s House-museum

If you really enjoyed the puzzle in Daskalov’s house, you can continue with this lovely pursuit of yours in the home of Angel Kanchev, but be sure, a lot of effort is required and it is far from easy to set the revolutionary image. I wish you patience and perseverance.

Slaveykov’s School ‘Week of Rada Gospozhina’ (21-28 May)

A ‘teacher’ of the past will tell you about the time of grandpa Petko Slaveykov, you may learn how to write with a finger on the sand, you will be shown the terrible ‘falaga’ (a wooden device for corporal punishment by beating the soles of the feet), you will be taught to read in the mutual-tables or ABC Book by Dr. P. Beron. Being obedient, you could be awarded ‘a cavalry’ (the white cavalry used to be a laudable sign in the Bulgarian schools of old times), but if not.... than the ready for the black edification plate (black cavalry). You will get to know that "Enlightenment is needed by all people" and what grandpa Petko was mostly appresiating Tryavna people for.

The attraction comes after a preliminary request on the contact details below.

Raykov‘s House

Amid the comfort of the old Bulgarian house and the smell of geraniums and scented wood, I suggest that you weave a rug on the little handloom or inlay a traditional female or male costume using your imagination.

Museum of Asian and African arts

Now here, you need all the time for yourself. Take your time at the Relax corner, release the tension amid the quiet and pleasant music and indulge in complete relaxation, forgetting about the world around.

The Specialized museum offers aslo:

Woodcarving workshops
As you take a chisel and have a good teacher woodcarver, you will surely manage to carve a spoon, a ‘talerka’ (wooden plate) or even a box. The desire to create and learn how to carve, that’s most important here. And the time you have available.
Saying the sacred “yes” in the old houses of Tryavna – beneath May or July’s sun, or amid the sounds of old urban songs and stories is truly exciting and leaves a pure delight of the moment captured. You will feel extremely special as the spirit of the old Bulgarian house will keep bringing you back to your roots over and over again.

Some attractions and animations are available after preliminary request at:
Slaveykov’s School - +359 677 625 17; +359 899 705 045
Daskalov’s House - +359 677 621 66.
For more information, please visit the website of the museum: